Enroll In FREE Certification Program On Basics Of Ecommerce


28 Certification Programs Available On This Platform To Complete GTU's 100 Activity Points

What This Portal Is All About?
How Many Points I Can Get From This Portal
Do This Portal Gives National And International Level Certificates?
About Certification Programs
Our Portal Is Developed In Order To Help Students Who Loves Collecting Certificates And Those Who Studying In GTU Affiliated Colleges.
Everyone Will Get Certificate
Even If You Lose In The Certification Quiz, You Will Get Participation Certificate In Instantly
Levels Of Certification Programs
Our Portal Currently Listed With State, National & International Level Certification Programs
How Many Points Can I Get?
It Depends On Certification Program You Enroll In, For Instance, By Our National Level Certificate You Can Get Upto 15 Points
Certificates Allotted
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Values gets updated at intervals of 24 Hours.

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