

Once you create an account, you can not change your Email address. so carefully type your email address before hitting the register now button.

Please double-check your UPI ID before hitting the registration button. You can able to change the UPI ID later on but only when your current balance is lesser than the balance threshold.

You can change your UPI ID whenever you want, but for example, If you've typed your UPI ID 9876xxxxxx@paytm by mistake and balance threshold has been reached and we made the payment on 9876xxxxxx@paytm then you can not ask us to again pay on edited UPI ID.

You can not delete or terminate your account. we will auto terminate an inactive account for more than 6 months.

How does it work? And how do you get earn?

In the affiliate dashboard, you can see how many affiliate link clicks you got by sharing affiliate links with your friends.

You can only get 20% commission as income when a user reaches our website via your affiliate link and make a payment.

When you share your affiliate link with your friend and friend click on that affiliate link, then a cookie for 10 days will be created on your friend's device. so, in the next 10 days duration if your friend makes a payment then you will receive 20% commission and that commission will be stored as a balance in your affiliate dashboard.

After 10 days, the cookie will be deleted from your friend's computer, then you will not be able to get commission even if your friend continues to make payment for something.

Our balance threshold is 25Rs. So to earn, you have to share your affiliate link with 5 people who can make payment within 10 days.

What if my friend clicks on 2 affiliate links shared by 2 different affiliates?

If person X1 shares his/her affiliate link to person X and then person X2 also shares his/her affiliate link to person X and person X clicks person X2's affiliate link, in that case, the first cookie created by clicking person X1 will remain there and person X2's cookie will not be created.


Once you reach your balance threshold, We will pay to your entered UPI ID on very next Sunday. If you by chance do not get paid, you can contact our Affiliate Manager on telegram on which we are 24/7 available to solve your queries.

How do I understand affiliate dashboard?

Please kindly visit and read Quick Guide to Affiliate Dashboard. If you still have any problem and you are unable to understand something about it, then please let us know. kindly ask your question on our mail.